Asymmetry ine+e¯→K++K−andη→π0+γ+γ

The final-state interaction for the off-shell-photon process γ+γK++K is discussed in terms of an "intermediate representation" where one of the photons is on shell. This allows the evaluation of the absorptive part and the soft-photon contribution for e+e¯K++K from the two-photon intermediate state. The asymmetry due to the interference between the one-photon and the two-photon amplitudes for this process, near the f-resonance position, is found to be quite large, but goes through zero. Generalization of the analysis of the final-state interaction in the s-wave state to SU(3) allows us to predict a decay width Γ(ηπ0+γ+γ)0.05 keV, which is in good agreement with the experimental number.