Computer Controlled NMR Spectrometer for Two-Pulse Experiments

A general method has been developed by which two-pulse experiments may be largely automated by interfacing a minicomputer to an NMR pulse spectrometer. The necessary pulses and time delays are supplied by the computer and the interface converts these to the levels necessary for the rf oscillator and power amplifier of the spectrometer. Values of the relaxation times (T1, T2, T1ρ) are extracted from the collected data by data analysis subroutines which perform a least-squares fit of the data to an exponential decay. Deviations of the data points from the least-squares slope are displayed to permit an immediate visual check for experimental errors. The advantages of the simple pulse sequences are retained while their disadvantages, particularly inefficient data collection for very long or very short relaxation times, are greatly reduced. The lower limit of relaxation times which may be measured by this method is about 100 μ sec.