The standard technics for methyl green-pyronin staining are found to give inconstant results, often with poor differentiation between chromatin and cytoplasm. A modified procedure is described using n butyl alcohol for differentiation after aqueous methyl green staining and counter-staining with pyronin in acetone. After 6 minutes in 0.2% aqueous methyl green (chloroform extracted), the section is blotted, differentiated in n butanol, counter-stained 30–90 seconds in acetone saturated with pyronin (less concentrated solutions may be preferred for some purposes), cleared in cedar oil and xylene and mounted. This technic retains the value of methyl green as a histochemical detector for polymerized desoxyribo-nucleic acid (DNA). The intensity of the stain, however, is considerably greater than that obtained with the procedure designed for quantitative (stoichiometric) photometric estimation of polymerized DNA. Pyronin serves primarily as a counterstain, and is not found to be a reliable indicator of ribonucleic acid either by this method or others which have been described.