Electron beam radiation damage to organic inclusions in vitreous, cubic, and hexagonal ice

SUMMARY: Frozen hydrated specimens of various latex spheres were used as well‐defined systems for the study of electron beam radiation damage to organic inclusions in vitreous, cubic and hexagonal ice. We found that radiolysis of organic material is modified by the presence of ice and that radiolysis in vitreous ice is different from that in crystalline ice. The pattern of damage depends also on the nature of the irradiated polymer, e.g., damage to poly(vinylchloride) is quite different from damage to polyacrylates, although in both polymers the main radiolytic process is chain scission. Some polymers such as polyacrylates were found to be much more stable in vitreous ice than in crystalline ice. The experimental results indicate that free radicals formed at the ice–organic matter interface play an important role in the radiolysis process which affects both the ice and embedded organic particles. Ice may play also a physical role in the process by limiting the diffusion of free radicals away from the interface. Although net mass loss is not much affected by ice, massive structural changes including repolymerization take place in its presence.