Cleavage of double helical DNA by Cu2+ ion in the presence of bisintercalator containing penta(ethylene glycol) connector chain

In designing new DNA recognizing and cleaving reagents, we introduce herein a bisacridine derivative (referred to as bisacridine) in which two acridine heterocycles are connected by a penta(ethylene glycol) bridging chain. This compound offers two possible functions: 1, stabilization of DNA bisacridine intercalator complex by metal ion. The penta(ethylene glycol) chain stabilizes metal ions binding to the phosphate site of DNA, where the penta(ethylene glycol) chain constitutes a part of a pseudomacrocyclic ligand for metal binding; and 2, enhancement of metal-assisted hydrolytic cleavage of DNA by means of a metal concentration effect by the pseudomacrocyclic ethereal chain. The binding isotherms of bisacridine with DNA in the presence of metal ions showed that the binding was mainly governed by the cation exchange reaction on the anionic DNA polymer chain, i.e., the exchange between metal ions and the cationic bisacridine. The bisacridine showed an increased DNA binding ability compared to quinacrine, the monoacridine counterpart, and caused an enhancement of DNA cleavage in the presence of Cu2+ ions. Additional experiments which included DNase I footprinting in the presence of bisacridine and the DNA cleavage by Cu2+/bisacridine using a 32P end-labelled DNA fragment, suggested that the Cu2+-assisted DNA cleavage sites in the presence of bisacridine were in reasonable overlap with the DNA binding sites of bisacridine.