The fourth family: a natural explanation for the observed pattern of anomalies in B-CP asymmetries

  • 12 July 2008
We show that a fourth family of quarks with $m_{t'} \gsim $ 700 GeV provides a rather natural explanation for the several indications of new physics that have been observed involving CP asymmetries of the b-quark. The built in hierarchy of the 4$times$4 mixing matrix is such that the $t'$ readily provides a needed perturbation ($\approx 15%$) to $\sin 2 \beta$ as measured in $B \to \psi K_s$ and simultaneously is the dominant source of CP asymmetry in $B_s \to \psi \phi$. The difference in direct CP asymmetries in $\bar B^0 \to K^- \pi^+$ versus $B^- \to K^- \pi^0$ requires $m_{t'} \gsim$ 600 GeV. The correlation between CP asymmetries in $B_s \to \psi \phi$ and the difference [S($B_d \to \psi K_s$) - S($B_d \to \phi K_s$)] suggests $m_{t'} \gsim$ 700 GeV. Such heavy masses point to the tantalizing possibility that the 4th family plays an important role in the electroweak symmetry breaking as the Pagels-Stokar relation in fact requires quarks of masses around 700 GeV for dyanamical mass generation to take place.

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