A novel intergeneric hybrid in the Triticeae: Triticum aestivum x Psathyrost achys juncea

Two hybrid embryos of intergeneric origin between Triticum aestivum cv Fukuho (2n=6x=42, AABBDD) and Psathyrostachys juncea (2n=2x=14, NN) were successfully rescued. One hybrid plant had the expected chromosome number of 28 (ABDN), whereas the second plant had 35 chromosomes. The average meiotic chromosome pairing in the 35-chromosome hybrid was 21.87 univalents + 6.38 bivalents + 0.11 trivalents + 0.009 quadrivalents, which indicates that two copies of the N genome were present. Chromosome pairing in the 28-chromosome hybrid was low (1.35 bivalents), and pointed out the lack of homology between the wheat genomes and the P. juncea genome. These new hybrids showed some necrosis and chlorosis, which caused severe floral abortion in the plant that had 35 chromosomes. These problems became gradually less severe after 18 months.