Articulation Of A Group Of Children With Cleft Lips And Palates

The speech of 25 Caucasian children between ages of 3-8.1 with cleft palate and/or cleft lip were analyzed on the Templin Diagnostic Articulation Test. There was little difficulty in articulation of vowels and diphthongs; consonants misarticulated more than 60% of the time are as follows: [image] This group of cleft palate children seemed to be generally retarded in articulation, had significantly less difficulty with voiced consonants than with voiceless consonants, had less difficulty on nasal consonants, but had the greatest difficulty with fricative consonants. Omission type errors were observed most frequently followed by substitutions and distortions. This group of children had significantly less difficulty producing consonants correctly when they appeared as singles than as elements of blends. These cleft palate children were generally inconsistent in their misarticula-tion.

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