Paraffinübergang aus der Kohlenwasserstoffphase zur Hefezelle

The capability of the yeast Lodderomyces elongisporus to utilize solved paraffins in fermentation brothes could be demonstrated. The growth rate of this microorganism in the case of utilization of solved paraffins is higher as the most known dates.The saturated concentrations of solved hydrocarbons in the fermentation brothes are higher as in real solvent systems.The part of the solved hydrocarbon is a function of the power input, the diameter of oil drops, the fermentation conditions and the length of the paraffin chain.The organism growth rate depends on the solved paraffin concentration in the fermentation broth. This fact is one of the reasons for the variability of the consumption coefficients by utilization of paraffins with different chain lenghts.The results confirm the assumption that the transport of the paraffins from the oil drops to the cells takes place over water soluble phase.