HLA class l specific t lymphocyte clones with dual alloreactive functions

Four human T lymphocyte clones exhibiting proliferative responses to class I HLA antigens were isolated from an in vitro mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC). Three clones expressed the Leu-2+3 phenotype and demonstrated proliferation in response to HLA-B8, while the fourth clone expressed the Leu-23+ phenotype and proliferated in response to HLA-A2. These clones were also cytotoxic towards cells bearing the same target antigens. Blocking studies utilizing monoclonal antibodies demonstrated that proliferation was triggered by determinants on the class I molecule itself, and these determinants appear to be spatially close to those which determine serologic allospecificity. These findings support the concept that the class I molecules themselves are the weak MLC stimulating determinants previously mapped to the HLA-A and B regions of the major histocompatibility complex.