Organogenesis in the Cultured Female Gametophyte ofEphedra foliata

The female gametophyte of Ephedra foliata was used as an explant for the production of haploids as it is composed of haploid cells, all of the same genotype. The regeneration of roots was dependent upon the presence of NAA, while BAP had a modifying effect. At lower concentrations (0.05 parts 10−6 and 3.5 parts 10−6) BAP enhanced the root promotion of NAA (0.05–4.0 parts 10−6). At higher concentrations of BAP (1–6 parts 10−6), roots and shoot buds were formed. Kinetin at 4.0 parts 10–6 with 0.5 parts 10–6 2, 4-D was optimal for shoot bud production in explants at the archegonial stage and 2, 4-D at 2.0 parts 10–6 with 0.5 parts 10–6 kinetin was optimal for root formation. Cells of the callus and root tip had the haploid number of chromosomes, n = 7. Meristemoids were located on the surface or embedded in the callus tissue. The deep seated meristemoids organized only root primordia, but the peripheral ones gave rise to root as well as shoot bud primordia. Initially, there was no vascular connection between the shoot-bud and the callus. This was established later.