The Nagel anomaloscope, neutral points and dichromatic matches to a spectral green light identified a population of 70 red-green dichromats. The anomaloscope settings allowed the calculation of the relative action spectrum of the match at the wave-length of the red (645 nm) and green (535 nm) primaries. The distribution of this ratio was bimodal; there were 2 clusters with a gap of about 0.75 log units between. Among the 38 deuteranopes there were wide differences in anomaloscope matches; similar differences appeared among the 32 protanopes. Retinal densitometry of the foveas of 15 of the deuteranopes was compared and contrasted with measurements on trichromats. In the former, only 1 photolabile pigment was found in the red-green region of the spectrum; normals always have 2. The view of Rushton that deuteranopes have erythrolabe but no measurable chlorolabe was confirmed for each member of this group. Simple deuteranomalous showed red-green cone pigments. The difference spectra of extreme deuteranomalous were very similar to those found in deuteranopia. Individual difference in kinetics (photosensitivity, time constant of regeneration) and in the density and .lambda.max [wavelength of maximum absorption] of the difference spectrum of erythrolabe in deuteranopia were appreciable; the reasons for these differences were not clear.

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