Study of Level Structure ofKr78

Rb78 and Rb78m were produced via the following heavy-ion reactions: Cu65(O16,3n)Rb78,78m and Ga69(C12,3n)Rb78,78m. The half-lives of Rb78 and Rb78m were measured and found to be 6.5 ± 0.5 min and 4.2 ± 0.2 min, respectively. The study of singles γ-ray spectra and the use of two large Ge(Li) detectors in coincidence revealed the existence of several previously unreported transitions in Kr78. Decay schemes are proposed for Rb78 and Rb78m, populating the following levels in Kr78: 455.1, 1119.7, 1148.0, 1564.9, and 1978.5 keV. Spin and parity assignments of some of the levels of Kr78 are discussed.