43—ACRYLONITRILE-STABILIZED WOOL KERATIN DERIVATIVES: II—Development of a Reproducible Preparation from Cortical Cell Residues

Apparently reproducible preparations of molecular weight 30,000 have been obtained from cortical-cell residues (from acid digestion) by treating cold reduced solutions with acrylonitrile under nitrogen. The yield is 15 to 20% of the original wool or 20 to 30% of the isolated cortical-cell residues. This recovered product is lower in sulphur and in amino nitrogen content than either the original wools or the cortical-cell residues. The product of molecular weight 30,000 is provisionally related to the α1-keratose fraction of oxidized wool, or corresponding kerateine fractions, by hydrolytic fission of, on the average, not more than two peptide bonds per chain. The low-molecular-weight, high-sulphur fraction that is lost by dialysis or failure to precipitate is related to the γ-keratose fraction.