Microwave performance of aGa 0.20 In 0.80 P/Ga 0.47 In 0.53 As/InP HFET grownwith MOVPE

The authors have DC, RF, and noise characterised 0.15 µm gate-length HFETs fabricated on a pseudomorphic Ga0.20In0.80P/Ga0.47In0.53As/InP material grown with MOVPE. The extrinsic transconductance is 640 mS/mm. The maximum frequency of oscillation is 260 GHz and the intrinsic transit frequency is 165 GHz. The DC and RF performances of this HFET are comparable with InAlAs/InGaAs/InP HFETs. The drain breakdown voltage of this HFET is 50% higher than InAlAs/InGaAs/InP HFETs fabricated in the authors' laboratory.