Nucleic Acid Storage in the Toad's Egg

In oogonia of Bufo valliceps all chromatin is confined to the chromosomes. In oocytes free chromatin (heterochromatin) granules unconnected with the chromosomes lie against the nuclear membrane. With growth of the nucleus, the chromosomes elongate somewhat, their lateral extensions fail to stain with Feulgen''s but give the classic "lamp-brush" with hematoxylin. The nuclear membrane becomes wavy and just within it hundreds of nucleoli appear, each with one of the free, Feulgen positive chromatin granules at its edge nearest the nuclear membrane. These nucleoli and granules slowly disappear as new crops become detached from the heterochromatin areas of the chromosomes. Unna''s stain before and after ribo-nuclease treatment indicates ribo-nucleic acid in nucleoli and granules and in the cytoplasm with highest conc. nearest nuclear membrane.

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