Sexual Abuse of Children: Intersection With the HIV Epidemic

Objective. Sexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the predominant risk exposure among adolescents and adults reported with HIV infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Although perinatal transmission accounts for the majority of HIV infection in children, there have been reports of HIV transmission through sexual abuse of children. We characterized children n = 1507) and AIDS (n = 7629) through December 1996 were reviewed for history of sexual abuse. Information was ascertained from data recorded on the case report form as well as investigations of children with no risk for HIV infection reported or identified on initial investigation. For children with a possible history of sexual abuse, additional data were collected, including how sexual abuse was diagnosed; characteristics of the perpetrator(s) (ie, HIV status and HIV risks); and other possible risk factors for the child9s HIV infection. Results. Of 9136 children reported with HIV or AIDS, 26 were sexually abused with confirmed (n = 17) or suspected (n = 9) exposure to HIV infection; mean age of these children at diagnosis of HIV infection was 8.8 years (range, 3 to 12 years). There were 14 females and 3 males who had confirmed sexual exposure to an adult male perpetrator at risk for or infected with HIV; of these, 14 had no other risk for HIV infection, and 3 had multiple risks for HIV infection (ie, through sexual abuse, perinatal exposure, and physical abuse through drug injection). The other 9 children (8 females, 1 male) had no other risk factors for HIV infection and were suspected to have been infected through sexual abuse, but the identity, HIV risk, or HIV status of all the perpetrator(s) was not known. All cases of sexual abuse had been reported to local children9s protective agencies. Sexual abuse was established on the basis of physician diagnosis or physical examination (n = 20), child disclosure (n = 15), previous or concurrent noncongenital sexually transmitted disease (n = 9), and for confirmed cases, criminal prosecution of the HIV-infected or at-risk perpetrator (n = 8). For the 17 children with confirmed sexual exposure to HIV infection, 19 male perpetrators were identified who were either known to be HIV infected (n = 18) or had risk factors for HIV infection (n = 17), most of whom were a parent or relative. Conclusions. These 26 cases highlight the tragic intersection of child sexual abuse and the HIV epidemic. Although the number of reported cases of sexual transmission of HIV infection among children is small, it is a minimum estimate based on population-based surveillance and is an important and likely underrecognized public health problem. Health care providers should consider sexual abuse as a possible means of HIV transmission, particularly among children whose mothers are HIV-antibody negative and also among older HIV-infected children. The intersection of child abuse with the HIV epidemic highlights the critical need for clinicians and public health professionals to be aware of the risk for HIV transmission among children who have been sexually abused, and of guidelines for HIV testing among sexually abused children, and to evaluate and report such cases.