Results are presented for the measured electron spin resonance (ESR) spin susceptibilities of "metallic" phosphorus-doped silicon with ND1×1019 donors/cm3. These results agree closely for the case of ND4×1019 donors/cm3 with values calculated on the basis of a "rigidband" model of noninteracting Pauli electrons. Evidence for a non-Pauli temperature-dependent-susceptibility component was found in the lower portion of our sample-concentration range. Static-susceptibility data are used together with our results to obtain the diamagnetic susceptibility which exhibits a concentration dependence consistent with the predictions of Kjeldaas and Kohn. Measurements of g values and linewidths are presented as evidence for the proposal that the Fermi level enters the host conduction band at a concentration ND 2×1019 donors/cm3. These data are also used to verify Elliot's theory of impurity-scattering spin relaxation and to demonstrate g-value anisotropies characteristic of the silicon conduction band.