Search for B±[Kπ±]DK± and Upper Limit on the bu Amplitude in B±DK±

We search for B±[Kπ±]DK± decays, where [Kπ±]D indicates that the Kπ± pair originates from the decay of a D0 or D¯0. Results are based on 120×106 Υ(4S)BB¯ decays collected with the BABAR detector at SLAC. We set an upper limit on the ratio RKπ[Γ(B+[Kπ+]DK+)+Γ(B[K+π]DK)][Γ(B+[K+π]DK+)+Γ(B[Kπ+]DK)]<0.026 (90%   C.L.). This constrains the amplitude ratio rB|A(BD¯0K)/A(BD0K)|<0.22 (90% C.L.), consistent with expectations. The small value of rB favored by our analysis suggests that the determination of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa phase γ from BDK will be difficult.