Residues of furazolidone in pig tissues have previously been shown to be bioavailable in the rat. However, no specific furazolidone metabolite has been identified in the tissues of a second species. Tissues were taken from pigs that had been treated therapeutically with furazolidone, lyophilized and then fed to female Sprague Dawley rats for 3 days. Protein‐bound and solvent‐extractable residues containing the side chain metabolite 3‐amino‐2‐oxazolidinone (AOZ) were detected in the liver, kidney and muscle of the rats using HPLC‐thermospray mass spectrometry. Furazolidone‐contaminated pig tissues which had undergone solvent extraction and thereby contained only bound residues, was fed to two rats. Bound and extractable AOZ was detected in liver, kidney and muscle. Since it is most likely that consumers would eat animal tissue which had been cooked, an experiment was carried out to determine the effects of cooking upon the concentrations of AOZ residues in pig tissues. Total AOZ concentrations were not significantly reduced in liver, kidney or muscle, following frying, grilling or microwaving.