Hadronic Mass Moments in Inclusive SemileptonicBMeson Decays

We have measured the first and second moments of the hadronic mass-squared distribution in BXcν, for Plepton>1.5GeV/c. We find MX2M¯D2=0.251±0.066GeV2, (MX2MX2)2=0.576±0.170GeV4, where M¯D is the spin-averaged D meson mass. From that first moment and the first moment of the photon energy spectrum in bsγ, we find the heavy quark effective theory parameter λ1 (in the modified minimal subtraction renormalization scheme, to order 1/MB3 and β0αs2) to be 0.24±0.11GeV2. Using these first moments and the B semileptonic width, and assuming parton-hadron duality, we obtain |Vcb|=0.0404±0.0013.