Specific Peroxidase Isoenzymes Are Correlated with Organogenesis

We have examined isoperoxidase patterns obtained from buffer-, salt-, and enzyme-extractable fractions and correlated them with histological changes in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L., cv Wisc. 38) `epidermal9 explants induced to produce either callus, vegetative buds, or floral buds. By utilizing a combination of extraction and electrophoretic procedures different from any hitherto used for this kind of investigation, we were able to resolve 47 isoperoxidases distributed between the three types of fractions. The majority of these isoperoxidases were common to all explants regardless of their developmental fate. Correspondingly, a number of histological changes were observed in all explants (e.g. the initiation of cell division by day 2, lignin deposition by day 4, and the formation of clustered tracheary elements by day 8). We have made correlations between 25 isoperoxidases and specific developmental events based on the time when certain isoperoxidases were detected relative to observed histological changes: 3 were correlated with desuppressed/sustained cell division, 3 to 6 with lignification/tracheary element maturation, 7 with callus formation, 1 with localized suppression of growth, 3 with determinate axial organization, 4 with leaf development, and 1 with stamen development. These results suggest that a continued investigation using this system could lead to a better understanding of the role of specific isoperoxidases in different developmental processes.