The directional correlations of six γγ cascades in Pm149 from the decay of Nd149 have been studied. The results are as follows: W(θ440210)=1(0.026±0.011)P2(cosθ)+(0.033±0.018)P4(cosθ), W(θ536114)=1+(0.042±0.006)P2(cosθ)(0.009±0.010)P4(cosθ), W(θ328210)=1+(0.109±0.006)P2(cosθ)(0.020±0.010)P4(cosθ), W(θ424114)=1(0.102±0.006)P2(cosθ)(0.027±0.010)P4(cosθ), W(θ266272)=1(0.227±0.008)P2(cosθ)+(0.013±0.013)P4(cosθ), W(θ158114)=1+(0.074±0.026)P2(cosθ)+(0.026±0.040)P4(cosθ). From the measured spin of the ground state of Pm149 as 72 the excited states of Pm149 are assigned spins as follows: 114 keV, 52; 210 keV, 52 (72); 272 keV, 72 or 52; 538 keV, 52; and 650 keV, 32 (72). The half-lives of the 114- and 272-keV levels are found to be 2.4±0.2 and 2.6±0.2 nsec, respectively. The M1 retardation and E2 enhancement of the 114-keV transition in Pm149 are estimated to be 608 and 15, respectively, and these values are compared with those for similar transitions in the neighboring nuclei. The 272- and 158-keV E1 transitions from the 272-keV level are retarded by factors of 3.0×105 and 1.7×105, respectively.