FRAMIG 2000: Medical and Therapeutic Management of Migraine in France

FRAMIG 2000 is a population-based survey of medical and therapeutic management of migraine in France. A total of 312 migraine sufferers were first identified from a representative sample of 4689 adult subjects using a validated questionnaire based on the IHS migraine diagnostic criteria and administered by telephone. Subjects were then interviewed using a branching questionnaire and a computer-assisted interview technique. Although 80% were self-aware of their migrainous state, 82% of migraine sufferers had no medical follow-up for migraine. The proportion of migraine sufferers who did not consult decreased slightly with increasing migraine-related disability (from 87% for subjects in MIDAS grade I to 68% for those in MIDAS grade IV). Migraine sufferers declared to effectively control only four attacks out of 10 after the first intake of the usual treatment. Only 6% of subjects in the survey received a prophylactic treatment for migraine whereas 22% were in MIDAS grade III or IV. These data show that the burden of migraine does not result from a deficit in diagnosis but instead from a deficit in patient information on the proper use of current effective treatments of migraine.