On the determination of Reducing Sugars.

An extensive comparison of reducing sugar detn. methods leads to the following conclusions: Aldose detn. by the I2 method is reliable only with a buffer that ensures a pH of 10.2 and, because of the high reactivity of I2, with only pure or almost pure sugar solns. The ferricyanide method for reducing sugars is rapid and accurate, but the oxidation of the sugar varies somewhat. Cu tartrate gives reproducible results with reducing sugars but the high organic content of the reagent leads to error in certain cases. A new method for reducing sugars using a reagent of 41 g./l. of CuSO4- 5H2O, 253.3 g. K2CO3 and 166.9 g. KHCO3 is described. The reagent has a high buffer quality and a well-defined pH. The titration is actually iodometric. Relative uncertainty is 0.8%.

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