Suppression of L‐dopa‐induced circling in rats with nigral lesions by blockade of central dopa‐decarboxylase

Dopamine (DA) elevations in rat striatum produced by combined administration of L-dopa and carbidopa were abolished when L-dopa was injected with NSD-1015, an inhibitor of central dopa-decarboxylase. In all rats with unilateral 6-OH-DA nigral lesions, L-dopa-induced contraversive circling occurred after carbidopa, but was totally abolished (in 60%) or markedly suppressed after pretreatment with NSD-1015. Administration of the DA metabolites DOPAC and HVA systemically and of 3-methoxytyramine intrastriatally evoked nocircling in animals with 6-OH-DA lesions. In rats with unilateral nigrotomies, the direction of L-dopa-induced circling was reversed and became ipsiversive after DA receptors were reduced by the addition of kainic acid lesions in ipsilateral striata. Findings provide evidence that circling in rats—and by analogy, efficacy in parkinsonians—requires the decarboxylation of exogenous L-dopa and interaction of the formed DA with DA receptors in striatum.