The effect of mixing on gentamicin release from polymethylmethacrylate bone cements

We compared the release of gentamicin from 6 different commercially available, antibiotic-loaded PMMA bone cements used for vacuum- and hand-mixed cement using a Cemvac vacuum mixing system. We also measured the release of gentamicin after manual addition of the antibiotic to different commercial, unloaded bone cements after hand-mixing. The porosity of cements was reduced in all vacuum-mixed cements, as compared with hand-mixed cements, concurrent with a statistically significant reduction (3 of 6) or increase (1 of 6) in the total amounts of gentamicin released. The total gentamicin release was studied in 3 of the brands after manual addition and mixing of the antibiotics. We found that the release of antibiotics was lower than in samples made from industrial mixing. In conclusion, the manual addition and mixing of gentamicin in PMMA bone cements leads to a lower release of antibiotics than that in corresponding commercially available antibiotic-loaded cements, while vacuum-mixing only leads to a minor reduction in antibiotic release, as compared to hand-mixing.