Critical behavior of a site-diluted three-dimensional Ising magnet

The critical behavior of the site-diluted three-dimensional Ising antiferromagnet Fe1xZnxF2 has been studied with the use of neutron scattering and linear birefringence techniques. The neutron scattering measurements were performed on a crystal with x0.5 and TN=42.50 K. The critical scattering has a Lorentzian profile both above and below TN. The staggered susceptibility and correlation length exhibit power-law divergences over the reduced-temperature range 101 to 2×103 with critical exponents γ=γ=1.44±0.06 and ν=ν=0.73±0.03, respectively. From the linear birefringence Δn, the critical behavior of the magnetic heat capacity was determined on a crystal with x=0.4 and TN=47.05 K. d(Δn)dT clearly exhibits cusplike behavior rather than a power-law divergence over the reduced-temperature range 2×102 to 103 with exponent α=α=0.09±0.03. The correlation-length and heat-capacity critical indices satisfy the hyperscaling relation 3ν+α2=0 to within the experimental errors. Since all measured exponents differ markedly from the pure Ising values, this strongly suggests that random -exchange Ising behavior has been observed. The results are consistent with recent theoretical predictions for the random-exchange Ising fixed point by Newman and Riedel.