A formal density expansion of transport coefficients expressed in terms of momentum autocorrelation functions is derived for a degenerate quantum gas (Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dirac statistics) at any frequency and for noncentral as well as central forces. The result to lowest order in density is reduced to the solution of a well-defined quantum two-body problem, and the first density correction is reduced to the solution of a well-defined quantum three-body problem. It is confirmed that at zero frequency one only needs the asymptotic forms of the collision operator to calculate quantum transport coefficients. It is further pointed out that the coefficients of the third- and higher order terms of the density expansion diverge at zero frequency, in analogy with the classical case. A "renormalization" is suggested which, it is believed, leads to a nonanalytic density dependence for quantum gases distinct from the nonanalytic behavior associated with degeneracy statistics.