Indolebutyric acid and ectomycorrhizal inoculation increase lateral root initiation and development of container-grown black oak seedlings

Containerized black oak seedlings in which the growth medium was inoculated with Pisolithustinctorius (Pers.) Coker Couch or left uninoculated were grown for 16 weeks with or without a polyacrylic starch containing 1000 μg indolebutyric acid per gram mixed throughout the growth medium. Seedlings treated with indolebutyric acid developed more than twice as many lateral roots as control seedlings which did not receive indolebutyric acid. Indolebutyric acid reduced the percentage of primary laterals colonized by P. tinctorius; however, the total number of colonized lateral roots was not affected. The combination of ectomycorrhizal inoculation with the indolebutyric acid treatment significantly increased the growth and development of black oak seedlings.