Field investigations into hypomagnesaemia in dairy cattle, with particular reference to changes in the concentration of blood constituents during the early grazing period

1. In five experiments, groups of milking cows were changed abruptly from winter-stall feeding to graze a number of different swards, and changes in the concentration of blood-serum magnesium and of other blood constituents have been studied. 2. Wide variations in the severity of hypomagnesaemia in individual cattle were found in all experimental groups, due possibly to such factors as individual variations in the intake of herbage, the requirement and body reserves of magnesium and the capacity to absorb magnesium from the gut. 3. The degree of hypomagnesaemia observed was independent of the level of milk production, but was generally less severe in Friesian than in Shorthorn and Guernsey cattle. The onset of hypomagnesaemia was delayed for a few days in cattle with a high serum-magnesium concentration at the commencement of grazing. 4. In two out of three experiments in which the effect of fertilizer treatment was studied, the incidence and severity of hypomagnesaemia was increased by the application to the sward of heavy dressings of nitrogenous fertilizer. In the third experiment, severe hypomagnesaemia occurred on a plot which had received no nitrogen fertilizer, due, it is thought, to a restricted intake of herbage magnesium, since the sward was extremely sparse. The feeding of supplements of flaked maize, crushed barley, crushed dredge corn, molassed sugar-beet pulp or a concentrate mixture balanced for milk production, to grazing cattle did not reduce the incidence of hypomagnesaemia. 5. The cutting of grass and feeding it in the stall did not prevent the development of hypomagnesaemia. 6. Blood pH and the concentrations of bloodserum calcium, sodium, potassium and blood glucose in cattle were unaffected by a change from winter feed to spring grazing, but a marked change in blood-serum non-protein and urea nitrogen and blood ammonia nitrogen, but not in any other nitrogenous constituents of the serum, was observed. The concentrations of serum non-protein and urea nitrogen and blood ammonia nitrogen were highest in groups of cattle grazing swards which had received a heavy dressing of nitrogen fertilizer and had a high nitrogen content. 7. In the two experiments in which the severity of hypomagnesaemia was increased by the application of nitrogenous fertilizer, there was a close group association between high concentrations of blood serum non-protein and urea nitrogen and blood ammonia and low concentrations of blood-serum magnesium. High levels of serum urea and blood ammonia during grazing are thought to reflect a high ammonia production in the gut, which may be responsible for the disturbance in magnesium metabolism which produces hypomagnesaemia.