Analysis of the genetic polymorphism of coagulation factor XIIIB (FXIIIB) by isoelectric focusing

The genetic variants of the coagulation factor XIIIB (FXIIIB) were analyzed by isoelectric focusing, carried out in agarose gels and followed by immunofixation. The FXIIIB phenotypes were visualized by a combined staining procedure with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 and silver nitrate. Improved resolution was accomplished in polyacrylamide gels by hybrid isoelectric focusing in immobilized pH gradients supplemented with carrier ampholytes. We examined a total of 1.604 unrelated, healthy individuals from Southern Germany. The frequencies for the FXIIIB alleles were B*1 = 0.7581, B*2 = 0.0843, B*3 = 0.1568 and B*4 = 0.0019. The theoretical exclusion rate for disputed paternity is 22.35 %.