Role for platelet von willebrand factor in supporting platelet-vessel wall interactions in von willebrand disease

Twelve infusions of plasma concentrates of von Willebrand factor (vWF) were given to four patients with severe (type III) von Willebrand disease (vWD). Their prolonged bleeding times were either completely or partially corrected after five infusions and had not changed after the remaining seven. In contrast, the low platelet coverage of the subendothelial surface of rabbit aorta perfused with normal washed platelets and red cells resuspended in preinfusion patient plasma was completely or partially corrected in ten instances by replacing preinfusion plasma with postinfusion plasma and remained unchanged in two. Postinfusion improvement in surface coverage was greater than that in bleeding time, suggesting that vWF from normal platelets is needed to support optimal platelet‐vessel wall interactions in vWD. This possibility was further explored through other perfusion experiments. The subendothelial surface covered by platelets from an untreated patient with type III vWD (containing no measurable vWF) or from a type IIA vWD patient (containing dysfunctional vWF) resuspended in normal plasma was much smaller than that covered by normal platelets resuspended in normal plasma. These results establish that platelet vWF is important in supporting platelet‐vessel wall interactions in vWD and also provide experimental support in favour of the therapeutic transfusion of normal platelets in addition to vWF concentrates to correct the bleeding time in vWD patients.