Retention of DDT and DDE by the Bovine

Four male calves seven to 9 mo. of age were fed 2 g of DDT or DDE for 75 days to determine the comparative retention of the compounds. Complete balance trials were conducted at 30 and 70 days. The animals were slaughtered at 75 days and tissue samples obtained. The calf receiving only DDE excreted about 18% of the administered amount in the feces. The calves receiving DDT excreted 25 to 40% of the administered DDT into the feces during the first trial and about 50% during the second trial. The average concentration of DDT, DDE, and DDD in perirenal fat was 3. 3, 1, 5000, and 0. 0 ppm for the calf receiving DDE; 240, 26, and 30 ppm for the calf receiving DDT; and 195, 1, 500, and 24 ppm for the calves receiving the combination. Concentrations in other tissues showed similar relationships. Neither DDT nor DDE had an important effect on the retention of the other compound.