Integrated control of proliferation and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells.

The physiological control of cellular proliferation and differentiation is an integrated regulatory process. This conclusion is based upon observations using numerous in vivo and in vitro experimental systems of which murine BALB/c 3T3 T mesenchymal stem cells represent an excellent in vitro model. In these cells the coupling of growth arrest and differentiation occurs at a distinct biological state, and this predifferentiation arrest state is distinguishable by a variety of criteria from other restriction points, such as the growth factor deficiency arrest state and the nutrient deficiency arrest state. Most importantly, only cells at this predifferentiation arrest state acquire the potential to differentiate without undergoing DNA synthesis. From this state, differentiation can then occur as a two-step process. Cells first undergo nonterminal differentiation and, second, they terminally differentiate. Nonterminal differentiation is characterized by expression of a completely differentiated adipocyte phenotype with retention of proliferative potential. Thereafter, when nonterminally differentiated cells undergo the terminal event in differentiation, they irreversibly lose their proliferative potential. In this paper, data are reviewed which establish that the integrated control of proliferation and differentiation in 3T3 T mesenchymal stem cells is mediated both at the predifferentiation arrest state and at the state of nonterminal differentiation.

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