Statewide Demonstration of Not On Tobacco: A Gender-Sensitive Teen Smoking Cessation Program

This study represented the largest statewide demonstration (n = 346) of the teen smoking cessation program Not On Tobacco (N-O-T) to date and one of the few systematically controlled teen smoking cessation trials reported in the literature. Results showed that N-O-T female teens were 4 times more likely to quit smoking almost 6 months after the program ended than female teens who received a brief intervention (BI). The quit rate for the N-O-T female groups was significantly higher than that for female brief intervention comparison groups. The study demonstrated that 2 times more N-O-T than BI teens quit smoking overall. Differences in the biochemically validated quit rate between the N-O-T groups and the brief intervention groups overall and for male participants were not statistically different, however. Furthermore, findings showed that N-O-T was more effective than the brief intervention in assisting youth with cigarette reduction. There was a significant difference in the reduction rate between the N-O-T and the BI groups on weekdays and weekends 6 months after the program ended. Overall, approximately 84% of N-O-T teens either quit or reduced smoking, compared with approximately 55% of BI teens. This study is 1 phase of an ongoing multiphase evaluation of N-O-T This study resulted in several important findings that will help guide future teen cessation studies and tobacco cessation efforts of school health professionals.