Distribution of fibronectin and other connective tissue components in human placenta.

ISEMURA, M., YAMAGUCHI, Y., MUNAKATA, H., KUROSAWA, K., FURUYAMA, T., YOSINAGA, K., MASUDA, T., NAGAI, H., MOTOMIYA, M. and YOSIZAWA, Z. Distribution of Fibronectin and Other Connective Tissue Components in Human Placenta. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1985, 145 (4), 373-379-Human placenta specimens obtained at term were investigated for distribution of fibronectin, collagens and glycosaminoglycans. When examined by the immunofluorescence staining technique with anti-plasma fibronectin antiserum, fibronectin was shown to be present around the fetal blood vessels and in the stroma of placental villi. The distribution of type IV collagen also was examined with specific antiserum. It was found that its distribution was similar to that of fibronectin. Conventional alcian blue staining indicated that the placental villi contained only small amounts of glycosaminoglycans. These data suggest that fibronectin and type IV collagen play important roles in tissue organization of the placental villi.