Distribution of fibronectin in fibrotic human livers at various states.

KOJIMA, N., ISEMURA, M., YOSIZAWA, Z., ONO, T., SHINADA, S., SOGA, K., AOYAGI, Y. and ICHIDA, F. Distribution of Fibronectin in Fibrotic Human Livers at Various States. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1981, 135 (4), 403-412-Fibronectin was isolated from human plasma by affinity chromatograpy with gelatin-coupled Sepharose 4B. Anti-fibronectin antiserum was prepared using rabbits, and human liver biopsy specimens at various stages of fibrosis were investigated for distribution of fibronectin by the indirect immunofluorescence technique. Fibronectin was absent in liver parenchymal cells, while it was detected intensely in reticulin and the area containing collagen fibers. The existence of fibronectin in the necrotic area and in prematured fibers suggests the earlier deposition of fibronectin than that of collagen at the locus of tissue repairing, and thus the important role of fibronectin at the early stage of fibrosis.-fibronectin; liver fibrosis; collagen: immunofluorescence