Roots are the overwintering structures of herbaceous perennial weeds growing in temperate climates. During the fall they accumulated reserves which are remobilized when growth resumes in the spring. An 18kDa (kilodalton) protein increases in both chicory and dandelion roots during the fall months. The proteins in both species are antigenically similar, and are recognized also by an antibody to a storage-protein deposited in Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) tubers. In chicory, the protein is root-specific, but in dandelion it is detectable in the flowers, vestigial stem and the seed. Electrophoretic characterization of the 18-kDa protein shows that it is a single polypeptide, without subunits, with charge isomers of pI values close to pH 6.5. The major protein present in chicory and dandelion roots is unlike the vegetative storage proteins recently found in soybean or the storage proteins in the bark of trees.