Metazoan parasites of whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis and cisco C. artedii from Southern Indian Lake, Manitoba were studied to reveal: species composition, differences with host age, sex, and location and season of capture. Whitefish hosted 19 species, 18 of which were also in cisco with generally lower intensity levels. Parasites exhibited definite patterns of abundance with host age and season, the primary causes being dietary and behavioural. No differences in parasite abundance existed between host sexes. Ranking of cisco parasites was significantly different between two sampling sites while whitefish parasites did not differ. Whitefish and cisco from sites 40 miles (64 km) apart had significantly different abundances of Tetracotyle intermedia but not Triaenophorus crassus. An increase in the abundance of copepod‐vectored cestodes with a concomitant decrease in abundance of amphipod‐vectored parasites is predicted after flooding and diversion.