Electric quadrupole strength inO16from theN15(p→,γ0)16O reaction reaction

Angular distributions of the relative cross sections and analyzing powers have been measured for the N15(p,γ0 )16O reaction in ≊500 keV steps for excitation energies in O16 between 17.8 and 24.9 MeV. All E1 and E2 transition matrix elements were determined using a partial-wave analysis. Below 22 MeV, little quadrupole strength was found in excess of that predicted in direct capture calculations. A clear enhancement of the E2 cross section was observed at energies above 22 MeV. Our data indicate that about 10% of the isoscalar E2 sum rule for O16 is exhausted in the p0 decay channel between 18 and 25 MeV, with approximately (3/4 of this integrated strength concentrated between 22 and 25 MeV. The E2 strength seen in (γ,p0) is strikingly different from that observed in (α,α’) or (α,α’p). The effect of the M1 state at Ex=18.8 MeV previously found in (p,γ) studies is clearly observed.