Band structure inRb78

A level scheme is proposed for Rb78, which was obtained through the Zn64(O16,np) reaction at 44 and 52 MeV, by measuring γγ coincidences and γ-ray angular distributions. The isotopic identification was made by studying on- and off-beam spectra at selected time intervals, and determining the intensities of the different decay products. The main part of the level scheme comprises a ΔI=1 band which shows a staggering similar to that previously found in Br76 and Kr77. In addition the level energies are very close to those in Br76. It was not possible to establish in a conclusive manner whether the lowest state of the proposed level scheme corresponds to one or the other of the hitherto known 6 and 17.5 min isomers in Rb78, but the first possibility appears to be the more likely one.

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