Band model for the electronic structure of expanded liquid mercury

The results of a series of band-structure calculations for hypothetical forms of crystalline mercury with the fcc, bcc, sc, and diamond structures are applied to model the variation with density of N(EF), the density of states at the Fermi energy, in expanded liquid mercury. This quasicrystalline model is based on augmented-plane-wave (APW) energy-band calculations for each crystal structure with a fixed nearest-neighbor bond distance. The Fermi energy EF and N(E) for each system are derived from a tight-binding fit to the APW results along symmetry lines in the Brillouin zone. The tight-binding wave functions are applied to decompose the total N(E) into its s and p components, Ns(E) and Np(E), respectively. It is found that the calculated variation of Ns(EF) with coordination provides a semiquantitative explanation for the observed variation of the Knight shift in liquid mercury with density. However, the corresponding variation of N(EF) with density fails to resolve the apparent contradiction between the Knight shift and the electronic transport properties in the "strong scattering" regime.