Millimeter wave monolithic IC's using direct ion implantation in to GaAs LEC substrates

Millimeter-wave monolithic ICs consisting of two-stage driver amplifiers and 4-bit phase shifters were fabricated by direct ion implantation into 3-inch diameter GaAs LEC (liquid encapsulated Czochralski) substrates. The monolithic two-stage amplifiers with 0.3-micron gate length, ion-implanted GaAs MESFETs achieve a gain of 9.0 to 10.1 dB from 40 to 48 GHz with a gain of 9.5 dB at 44 GHz. In the same frequency range, the input return loss varies from 9.8 to 11.5 dB and output return loss from 6.6 to 9.0 dB. The 4-bit phase shifters exhibit very accurate phase shift within 3 degrees for 0 to 247.5 states and 4-7 degrees for 270 to 337.5 states at 44 GHz. The insertion loss is 9.4 11.1 dB for all 16 states. The authors concentrate on the results of monolithic driver amplifiers and digital phase shifters at Q-band frequencies.