By making use of some of the results obtained by Faddeev for a three‐particle system, we estimate the three‐body contribution of the quantum mechanical self‐diffusion coefficient for a two‐dimensional fluid with a view to resolving the question of its divergence. We find that the three‐body contribution X123 is O(ε−2) instead of O(ε−2logε). Some comments are made on the mathematical difficulties with the analysis appearing in the literature associated with the logε dependence of the classical three‐body contribution. According to the cluster expansion method we developed, based on Zwanzig's theory on time‐correlation function for transport coefficients, the ε−2 dependence of the three‐body contribution X123 leads to an ordinary power series in density for transport coefficients rather than to a series that includes a logarithmic density dependence. We discuss this in the paper.