Enumeration of T lymphocyte subsets by monoclonal antibodies in young and aged humans.

The percentage and absolute number of peripheral blood mononuclear cells reactive with monoclonal antibodies identifying mature thymocytes and T cells (T3+), helper/inducer cells (T4+), and suppressor/cytotoxic cells (T8+) was determined in 19 young (mean age 35 yr) and 31 elderly (mean age 72 yr) individuals. The percent representation but not the absolute number of T cells (T3+) declined significantly (p less than 0.001) in the elderly, and the decline was attributable to both an absolute and relative decrease in the representation of the subpopulation of cytotoxic/suppressor (T8+) cells. The percentage and number of helper/inducer (T4+) T cells was comparable in both age groups.