Factors affecting thresholds for sinusoidal signals in narrow-band maskers with fluctuating envelopes

When a signal is higher in frequency than a narrow-band masker, thresholds are lower when the masker envelope fluctuates than when it is constant. This article investigates the cues used to achieve the lower thresholds, and the factors that influence the amount of threshold reduction. In experiment I the masker was either a sinusoid (constant envelope) or a pair of equal-amplitude sinusoids (fluctuating envelope) centered at the same frequency as the single sinusoid (250, 1000, 3000, or 5275 Hz). The signal frequency was 1.8 times the masker frequency. At all center frequencies, thresholds were lower for the two-tone masker than for the sinusoidal masker, but the effect was smaller at the highest and lowest frequencies. The reduced effect at high frequencies is attributed to the loss of a cue related to phase locking in the auditory nerve. The reduced effect at low frequencies can be partly explained by reduced slopes of the growth-of-masking functions. In experiment II the masker was a sinusoid amplitude modulated at an 8-Hz rate. Masker and signal frequencies were the same as for the first experiment. Randomizing the modulation depth between the two halves of a forced-choice trial had no effect on thresholds, indicating that changes in modulation depth are not used as a cue for signal detection. Thresholds in the modulated masker were higher than would be predicted if they were determined only by the masker level at minima in the envelope, and the threshold reduction produced by modulating the masker envelope was less at 250 Hz than at higher frequencies. Experiments III and IV reveal two factors that contribute to the reduced release from masking at low frequencies: (1) The rate of increase of masked threshold with decreasing duration is greater at 250 Hz than at 1000 Hz; (2) the amount of forward masking, relative to simultaneous masking, is greater at 250 Hz than at 1000 Hz. The results are discussed in terms of the relative importance of across-channel cues and within-channel cues.

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