Immunoglobulin Biosynthesis in vitro after Stimulation of Pig Blood Lymphocytes with Mitogen

The biosynthesis of immunoglobulin (Ig) by pig blood lymphocytes after mitogen stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and anti-Ig serum has been assessed by incorporation of 3H-leucine into secreted Ig. Lymphocytes prepared from defibrinated and heparinised blood responded to LPS with mitosis, but Ig biosynthesis (predominantly IgM) only occurred with heparinised blood lymphocytes. Anti-Ig treatment produced pronounced mitosis in both preparations but no significant Ig biosynthesis in either. Mitosis was induced by anti-IgM (μ- and L chains), anti-μ and anti-IgG (γ-and L chains) but only weakly by anti-γ in both types of preparation. Lymphocytes from heparinised blood gave preparations with higher percentages of surface-Ig-bearing cells by direct immunofluorescence (defibrinated 14.0%, heparinised 25.2%).