The Cationic Chelate of Chromium and Aluminon as a Selective Nuclear Stain

The chelate k prepared by adding 4.5 gm of aluminon and 100 gm of chrome alum to 200 ml of distilled water, boiling gently for 20 min., filtering, and allowing the filtrate to drop into 3.5 liters of absolute alcohol. The alcoholic suspension is filtered and its precipitate is dried at room temperature. To prepare the staining solution 3 gm of chelate are dissolved in 100 ml of 3% HCI. Hydrated sections—paraffin, frozen, or celloidin—are stained for 30 min to 18 hr at room temperature. The stain is self-limiting and requires no differentiation. Since the stain is not removed by alcohol or weak acids, a large variety of counterstains my be used.

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