Copper Diffused Gallium Arsenide P-N Junctions

P-n junctions have been made by diffusing zinc into n-type gallium arsenide single crystals containing copper. The current voltage characteristics, light emission and capacitance of the diodes have been measured at 300°K and 77°K. The generation recombination current J g r and the integrated light intensity L measured by an S-I response photomultiplier depend on V j as exp (q V j /n k T) with n≥2 and exp (q V j /n k T) with n≥1 respectively, where V j is the applied voltage minus the voltage across the \varPi layer. The observed voltage dependence of J g r and L can be explained by assuming that the junctions have the P\varPiN structure as a result of redistribution of copper during the zinc diffusion and that for the junctions with wide \varPi layer, electron concentration at the P\varPi boundary and hole concentration at the \varPiN boundary are kept at thermal equilibrium values even if the junctions are forward biased.